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We were fortunate  to be featured in the Philippine's longest running architecture magazine, the "Archikonst Magazine" in  their July - September 2018 issue. Here are some interview questions we answered.  Too see the whole article kindly click here.




How long have you been in business? How did your creative collaboration start?


We are a young architectural firm. We have been in the business for two years. We met in college as classmates, became partners and after passing the board exams, decided to take a big leap of faith ,leave the corporate world and give professional practice a chance.


Has there been a defining moment or turning point when you realized that you wanted to establish your own firm?


We started getting projects when we were in our corporate jobs from friends and family. That’s when we realized this was an opportunity for us to build our portfolio and establish our own name. So we quit our day jobs and pursued our own clientele.


What design/architectural services do you offer?


We offer the run-of-the-mill design services which means the usual “consult plan and design” process. Occasionally, we do the “design and build” services which means we are both the designer and contractor. We also offer specialized architectural services such as architectural interiors


What sets your firm apart from other architectural firms that offer the same type of services?


As our company profile states; the strength of the firm lies in its personal and immersive approach. We are quite hands-on with the projects and highly value our relationship with our clients. We make sure the clients are always informed and updated regarding the status of their projects. We are approachable and make ourselves available as much as we can.


If you could squeeze your design/architectural philosophy into three words, what would they be?


Strength, utility, beauty—these are the words of Vitruvius actually, which we have firmly adopted in creating design solutions. We believe that this should be the core of any architectural endeavor .strength because safety is first. Utility, second, because function follow form, and lastly, beauty, because aesthetics should not be forgotten.


What was the first project that you both work on? What was your big takeaway from this project?


The first project we both worked on was a residential project of a lawyer couple. It was a bungalow with a mezzanine house. It was a design and build project. The most important thing we learned from this project is that every detail from the smallest to the biggest should be given importance equally. Secondly, that construction will never be perfect but this doesn’t preclude clients from being satisfied. We achieve that by constantly communicating progress, bottlenecks and solutions.


 Do you think of yourself first as an architect or as an entrepreneur?


Architects first, entrepreneurs second. We prioritize client satisfaction and project delivery. Money is still important, of course, as we need that to sustain the firm’s survival so we try our best to strike a balance between the two and create a win-win situation for all parties.


How does your firm strike a balance between your vision and your client preferences?


We always provide options to our clients and explaining to them the ideas we envision then incorporating their preferences. So we meet halfway. The key is always communication.

What projects are you working on and most excited about right now?


We are currently working on an apartment building and some residential projects. We are also excited about an upcoming 5-storey commercial building in Naga which is still under the design development stage. We are hoping to design resorts and health facilities in the future.


What will your clients rave about to their friends and family?



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